import cv2 as cv import numpy as np import math import time
img_original = cv.imread('square.jpg', cv.IMREAD_COLOR)
img_gray = cv.cvtColor(img_original, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img_edge = cv.GaussianBlur(img_gray, (5, 5), 0, 0) img_edge = cv.Canny(img_edge, 50, 150, 3)
height = img_edge.shape[0] width = img_edge.shape[1] tmp = min(height, width) hough_height = int(1.5 * tmp)
accumulator_width = 180 accumulator_height = hough_height * 2 accumulator_size = accumulator_height * accumulator_width
accumulator = np.zeros((accumulator_height, accumulator_width)) table_sin = np.zeros(180) table_cos = np.zeros(180) DEG2RAD = np.pi / 180
for angle in range(0,180): table_sin[angle] = math.sin(np.radians(angle)) table_cos[angle] = math.cos(np.radians(angle))
for y in range(0,height): for x in range(0,width): if img_edge.item(y, x) > 0: for angle in range(0,180): r = int(x * table_cos[angle] + y * table_sin[angle]) r = r + hough_height # r이 음수인 경우 때문 -r ~ r 범위를 0 ~ 2r 범위로 변경 accumulator[r, angle] +=1
end=time.clock() print(end - start)
# accumulator를 이미지화 img_accumulator = np.ones((accumulator_height, accumulator_width, 3), np.uint8) img_accumulator = img_accumulator * 255
accumulator2 = cv.convertScaleAbs(accumulator,3,5)
start=time.clock() for r in range(0,accumulator_height): for angle in range(0,accumulator_width):
value = accumulator2[r, angle]
if value > 0: img_accumulator.itemset(r, angle, 0, 255 - value) img_accumulator.itemset(r, angle, 1, 255 - value) img_accumulator.itemset(r, angle, 2, 255 - value)
end=time.clock() print(end - start)
start=time.clock() count = 0 for r in range(0, accumulator_height): for angle in range(0,180):
if accumulator.item(r,angle) > 80: # Hough Line Transform Threshold
#현재 위치가 local maxima인지 검사 max = accumulator[r, angle] for y in range(-5,6): for x in range(-5,6):
new_r = r + y new_angle = angle + x
if new_angle < 0: new_angle = 180 + new_angle elif new_angle >= 180: new_angle = new_angle - 180
if new_r >= 0 and new_r < accumulator_height: if accumulator[new_r, new_angle] > max: max = accumulator[new_r, new_angle] x = y = 6 #local maxima 아님. loop 종료
if max > accumulator.item(r, angle): continue #현재 위치는 local maxima가 아님
# r = x * cos(theta) + y * sin(theta) # x = (r - y * sin(theta)) / cos(theta) # 수직선인 경우 # y = (r - x * cos(theta)) / sin(theta) # 수평선인 경우
if angle >= 45 and angle <= 135: # 수직선 x1 = 0 x2 = width y1 = ((r - hough_height) - x1 * table_cos[angle]) / table_sin[angle] y2 = ((r - hough_height) - x2 * table_cos[angle]) / table_sin[angle]
else: #수평선 y1 = 0 y2 = height x1 = ((r - hough_height) - y1 * table_sin[angle]) / table_cos[angle] x2 = ((r - hough_height) - y2 * table_sin[angle]) / table_cos[angle]
x1 = int(x1) y1 = int(y1) x2 = int(x2) y2 = int(y2), (angle, r), 5, (255, 0, 0),-1) cv.line(img_original, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (255, 0, 0), 1) count += 1
print("(%d,%d)-(%d,%d), angle=%d, r=%d, accmulator=%d" % (x1,y1,x2,y2,angle,r,accumulator.item(r, angle))) end=time.clock() print(end - start)
cv.imshow("img_result", img_original) cv.imshow("img_gray", img_gray) cv.imshow("img_edge", img_edge) cv.imshow("img_accumulator", img_accumulator) cv.imwrite("img_accumulator.jpg", img_accumulator)
cv.waitKey(0) |